
Team Desco take on Newcastle 10k

Desco’s team completed the Newcastle 10k run in under an hour.

Desco took part in Newcastle’s 10k run on Saturday 18th January, the five strong team completed the route in under one hour.

Aidan Ward, Andrew Kidger, Nick Jordan, Josh Camm and James Alexander all took part in the 10k which took participants along Newcastle Quayside passing the Swing Bridge and under High Level Bridge, Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, King Edward VII Bridge & Redheugh Bridge, before returning the same way.

The race was in support of The Children’s Foundation who focus on improving the health and well-being of children and young people in the North East.

The team completed the route in less than one hour. Each participant got a medal for completing the race.

The teams’ times were:

  1. Aidan Ward – 51:53
  2. Andrew ⁠Kidger – 52:50
  3. ⁠Nick Jordan – 54:45
  4. ⁠Josh Camm – 57:55
  5. ⁠James Alexander – 58:30