
Carbon Reduction Plan

Desco is committed to net carbon neutrality in our operations by 2030 and net zero carbon by 2040. As a consultant to the built and natural environment, we have to balance the wants and needs of society with safeguarding the future of the planet. We have a contractual obligation to deliver the professional services required by our clients and an ethical obligation to work with our clients and industry to help shape a more sustainable future.

In June 2019, parliament passed legislation requiring the government to reduce the UK’s net emissions of greenhouse gases by 100% relative to 1990 levels by 2050 and recognise that British business is one of the 4 largest contributors. We want to play our part in responding to the global climate and biodiversity emergency.

Our business has a ‘noble purpose’. RAG-Stiftung, our ultimate parent, is a foundation with the long-term public duty to deal with the environmental and social commitments resulting from the closing of Germany’s hard-coal mining industry. Our mission is to generate sustainable funds for the foundation, so our work directly contributes to protecting the environment. We wish to embed this noble purpose in the way we operate, the way we design and deliver our projects, and the legacy that we leave behind.

To achieve this we have created a strategy for Desco that will move us towards becoming a net zero carbon business and have developed a Carbon Reduction Plan in line with PPN 06/21 : Desco – Carbon Reduction Plan – 2025 Issue 7

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